48-Hour Film Competition

Competition Outline:

Open to filmmakers of all ages/skill levels, this competition challenges artists to write, film, edit, and score an entire film within 48 hours, all while sticking to the theme of “Horror”.

The films will be juried by a guest panel. The top 3 films will be featured on our website and the first-place film will be screened on the festival’s final evening.


Dates & Deadlines:


Register your team now for only $20 before the deadline on October 8th, 2024

There will be an in-person launch in the Digital Creator Space (Capitol Centre) on Friday, October 18th at 7:00PM.

Teams will meet in the space to go over rules, answer questions, and assign the three elements to be used in the films. We’ll then count down to the official competition launch time of 7PM.

Contestants are welcome to stay in the Digital Creator Space until 9PM to work on pre-production for their films.

The OFFICIAL DEADLINE for all submissions will be Sunday, October 20th at 7PM. Any films submitted beyond the official deadline will not be eligible for prizes or ranking in the competition.

The jury panel will consider the following criteria:

Creative storytelling and script development; the level of entertainment your film offers; the direction; acting performances; the overall production quality of the project.

Every filmmaking team should aspire to create a short film that can shine independently, separate from the competition, while still adhering to all the challenge guidelines and staying on theme.

Official Rules:

  • If you registered as a team, the person registering will be considered the team leader.
  • All elements of film creation must be done in the 48-hour period only, including but not limited to: writing, rehearsing, costume/set design, shooting, sound work, editing, exporting, and uploading.
  • The only work that may begin prior to the launch: organizing cast and crew, securing equipment, scouting/securing locations.
  • All footage must be shot within the 48-hour time period of the project (no stock footage or footage created at any other time is permitted).
  • Animation and special effects are permitted but must be created during the 48-hour time period.
  • Only original music, Creative Commons music, or music with documented granted permission can be used.
  • Completed films must be handed in upon the completion of the 48 hours, an exact time will be given to contestants.
  • Completed film exports must follow the technical requirements (a reference sheet will be provided via email).
  • Films must be a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes long.
  • If needed, participants can use gear from N2M2L for free.
*Any violation of these rules will result in immediate disqualification from the competition*




  • $500 CASH
  • $100 screening fee and presentation at the NBFF and on the NBFF website
  • $1,000 towards lighting and grip rental at Sunbelt Rentals in Sudbury
  • $300 in equipment rental from N2M2L


  • $100 screening fee and presentation on the NBFF website
  • $200 in equipment rental from N2M2L


  • $100 screening fee and presentation on the NBFF website
  • $100 in equipment rental from N2M2L


  • Film Festival Passes ($75 value) : One per team member, up to 5 per team, for top 3 films
  • N2M2L Membership ($50 value) : One per team member (must be 18 or over), up to 5 per team, for top 3 films

Submission Requirements:


Any type of camera can be used for this project. There is no limit to the amount of cameras that can be used on your shoot.


File naming convention as follows:

  • Title_TeamName_NBFF48_Date.mov
  • Full Resolution H264 QuickTime .mov*
  • Audio peaks should not exceed -2db


Before your film begins there should be

  • 5 seconds of black
  • A title card reading “This film was made for the 2024 NBFF 48hr Film Competition
  • 2 seconds of black
  • A title card with the film’s title and date


Credits may run no longer than 45 seconds. The length of the credits will be considered additional to the length of the film.

Contact Us:

Have a question? Send us an email at [email protected] and we’ll be glad to help answer any questions you might have.

2023 Competition Winners:

A Fish Out of Water

Directed by Lee Cochran

First Place Winner of the 2023 North Bay Film Festival 48HR Film Competition. A reimagining of the folktale “The Fisherman and His Wife”.

The Scissorman

Directed by Stefan Phillips

Second Place Winner of the 2023 North Bay Film Festival 48HR Film Competition. A reimagining of the folktale “Little Suck-a-thumb”.

Gol Dee Lox

Directed by Mina Borody

Third Place Winner of the 2023 North Bay Film Festival 48HR Film Competition. A reimagining of of the folktale “Goldie Locks and The Three Bears”.